Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Camping Trip #2

This past weekend we headed out for our second camping trip. This time we took the canoe and bikes. The boys had a blast riding through the campground and even made some new friends! A bad storm moved in early Sunday morning causing us to pack up and come home early, but we were all so tired we were ready to get home. Here are some pictures from this trip....

This is a fish Joe caught at dusk Saturday night. It was freaky!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Trying Something New

I love being a stay at home mom, and though I know my "job" is just as important as my wonderful husbands, its been a constant thought in the back of my head for the past 6 years since I left veterinary medicine and a paycheck behind to start the best job in the world (being a SAHM). I just wish I could contribute to the family expenses in a monetary way.. I have seen those commercials for work from home jobs, but nothing ever striked me as "oh I would love to do that".. Ive also been to those Mary Kay, jewelery, spa, and "girly" parties, and again none of them stood out to me as something I would be good at.

Then back in February I went to a friend Scentsy party. And listening to this awesome product and how I could make some cashola by introducing others to it, I fell in love.. So I set out to become a Scentsy Consultant. I have been sharing and selling Scentsy for about 4 months now and I love it. I recently receive "Certified Scentsy Consultant" status and I am lovin it.. This is such an awesome product and I am eager to share it with everyone. Its also been nice to have some extra income coming in!!

So if you want to earn some FREE Scenty Stuff just contact me about hosting a party!!

My Page -
  - (example - if you have a party with $500 in sales you will get $75 worth of FREE Scentsy & 3 half priced items) SWEET

Fathers Day 2011

We had a great Fathers Day this year. We started the day off at the park with Joes family. The kids had a blast and thanks to the overcast skies, it felt great outside!!! Here are some pictures from the park...

3 Generations of Joes :)

Joe & His Dad

My Amazing Husband & the loves of my life!

My Best Friend, SoulMate, & most amazing father to my kiddos...

After hitting up the park we went over to my dads for some swimming, riding four wheelers and some yummy kabobs!!! Here is Emily with Papaw riding around the yard!!!

Happy Fathers Day daddy!!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Go Nickster

Nick had his final baseball game of the Spring season this week. His team ended up placing in the bronze division when entering the end of season tournaments. After 3 games they pulled off a 3rd win of 26 to 25 after 6 innings of t-ball, taking 1st place in the tournament. This is alot for little 5 and 6 year olds and they did AWESOME.. Go Mariners!!

Getting his 1st place trophy...

Congratulating the other team...

5/6 Mariners

So Proud of bubba...

Goofy Team Pic...

Nick with his cheering crowd after the game...

Justins last season game is this coming Monday. His tournaments will be starting next weekend!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What comes first????

Well at our house I must say the Chicken came before the egg(s) Our little chickens are getting so big.. Its hard to believe these little ones.... (We have 3 White Leghorn Crosses & 3 Red SexLinks)

Have grown into these beauties...

Our girls are so sweet, and now that they are all about finished molting and getting oh so close to laying their first eggs, they have become more trusting and social with us. In fact if you have a treat and you sit down in the yard, you better expect to have 7 sweet girls crawling in your lap!!

I had a neat idea for nest boxes and its working AWESOME. Chickens tend to "share" nest boxes so we got 4 stackable tubs and filled them with hay. At first I got 2, but went back for two more. Hey the girls have the right to choose were they lay, right?! ;)..

(before we added two more)

So now we wait for those yummy eggs. When they start laying I'm hopeful to get at least several dozen fresh egg a week, so look out friends and family! Fresh eggs are a coming!!!

Oh and I can't forget our sweet mini-girl. She was the ONLY hen out of 8 bantam chicks we got at Tractor Supply back in March. She is a sweetie and super shy. She is a bantam chicken and will only be about the size of a softball when full grown. She will lay sweet mini-eggs. Meet our littlest girl... (She is a Dark Cornish Bantam)

at 2 days old...

At 9 Weeks Old....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Camping at Pooles Knob

We headed out last weekend for our first camping trip of the summer!! It was a great weekend, not too hot and cool at night! We rented a new site out on the lake at our favorite campground. We hit a home run with this site as it was perfect for fishing and playing, just enough space! Next month we have yet another new site rented and it looks good too!! So here are some pictures of our trip!!


 Dixie resting by the tent....

Feeding the Geese....

Nanny got to stay Friday night with us before traveling back to Virginia!!

The Storm that moved in Saturday Evening...

And my favorite pic of Daddy and his girl...