Friday, September 19, 2008

Fingers Crossed

Well I got my second round of blood work back today and its looking great. My levels rose from 10,000 to right at 19,000 in about 48 hours (they are suppose to double every 48-72 hours). I have so much hope that everything is going to work out. For those who have only heard bits and pieces or those that don't even know yet Joe and I went into the hospital Sunday because I started bleeding super heavy. I was 6 weeks and they did alot of test. The doctor in the ER ended up telling us he saw no baby on ultrasound and for my levels being so high they would suspect to see one and that I had a non viable pregnancy.

So leaving the ER Joe and I had told ourselves we were loosing our baby. Well I went in Monday to my OB and she did another scan. Long story short she did see something in the sac, no baby but the yolk sac! She said she didn't feel we were at the point yet to say we had a non viable pregnancy. So she did more blood work over a 48 span and my HCG levels (this is a hormone produced during pregnancy to sustain a pregnancy, its the one that doubles, its also what makes your home pregnancy test positive) well it looked great, yes high for 6 weeks (normal for 6 weeks is below 10,000) but they are rising. She also said my progesterone hormone level (which is a good indicator that a pregnancy is healthy) was right on time and was were it was suppose to be and looked great.

So even though numbers are good we will not know for sure till this coming Wednesday the 24th, when we have our 3rd 4D ultrasound scan. At that point with levels that should be in the 30,000+ range we have to see a baby. If we go in and its still an empty sac we have suffered a stalled pregnancy were basically baby has quit growing, causing me to need a DNC. For some reason I don't / can't accept that. Over the past 3 days for some reason I have this feeling everything will be ok. Yet my brain is telling me that if this is not meant to be I'm gonna be ok.

I have told myself I'm not going to cry or get upset anymore until I know for sure. And when I see that ultrasound next week I will know. But right now I am living this pregnancy for every moment and not taking a single second for granted. I am also thanking god everyday for my two beautiful boys and that I pray I can keep this miracle too. So if you can send alittle prayer up for us and keep us in your thought and I PROMISE to post as soon as we know something.

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