So I can NOT believe I just got done making Emilys First Birthday invitations. Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. Were has the time gone? How can my sweet girl be getting so close to turning one.. I can not believe the little beauty she is turning in to.. And this little girl has some big changes going on right now!
First since the day she was born she has slept right next to mommy. Litterally in my arms and I enjoy every minute! But she has become more of a wiggler and wants to stretch out and get comfy and 3 in our bed is just alittle too crowded. So Wed night we made our final co-sleeping night, and lastnight Emily took the big leap and slept all night in her own bed! With alittle fuss she went right to sleep and slept until 4am and got up for a quick snack and back to sleep till 9am!! And tonight I laid her down and not a peep out of her! WOW my baby girl is getting so big!
Also miss Emily has taken to food and cut way back on her nursing, so big change number two is in the works. We are slowly changing over to whole milk. Im still nursing, just not as much! And now she has her bottles of milk to snack on! This change is very bittersweet to me as nursing her has been a dream come true!
And oh what could change number three be??.. Well Em has begun to "cruise" the furniture in the house.. Only "steps" away from being mobile! You go girl! Mommy and daddy and brothers are so proud! We can't wait till you let go and take off on those feeties!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
A Birthday Bowl...
Sunday we celebrated Justins 8th Birthday with a bowling party - FUN!! We had a blast, thanks to everyone that got to come celebrate with us! As proud mommy of course I was taking TONS of Pictures, well until I got yelled at over the PA system because my camera flashes were I guess making some adult bowlers mad.. BOO! But I still got some great shots of a fabulous day!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Boy
Today eight years ago I became a mommy for the first time! A look back to that day....
I had been sleeping that Monday morning, when at 10 o'clock in the morning something woke me up. My first thought was "oh man I just peed myself".. I got up to run to the bathroom when that unmistakable water breaking occurred. No second guessing it I grabbed the phone and a towel and ran to the bathroom! I called Joe, im sure my voice sounding in a panic heck im not sure what exactly I said but all I knew was he was in West Nashville and me at home about 30-45 minutes away (remember that part!).. So I tell him to leave and go to the hospital I would meet him there! I hang up and call my dad whom was at work about 10 minutes away.. I think I got "water broke" out and he hung up! Within it seemed 5 minutes he came in the door! I then proceeded to shove about 5 towels in my pajama pants (I know, right) and out the door we went!
OK so that "30-45" minute drive took us 10 - no joke.. My dad can get from point A to point B fast when he needs to! SO I pull up to see my amazing husband standing there, poor thing I still remember that OMG look on his face! He puts me in a wheel chair and off we go!
I get checked in and family starts to arrive. Yet to have my first contraction my doctor walks in! She says she wants to start pitocin and get this show on the road.. Well about an hour after starting that junk I was in PAIN.. The meaner side of Suzie came out and I think I cursed everyone in that room! I beggen for an epidural and my wish was granted (twice!).. The first one fails, so as they go to put numbe two in they send my husband off to eat some dinner! AFter number two is put in I start yelling I needed to go to the bathroom. The nurse checks me and Im complete and ready to push! But oh wait they had to run down to the cafeteria to get Joe ;).. So he comes in with I think the rest of my family and I start pushing, 1-2-3 and STOP! Justins heartrate drops and all I remember is my doctor saying "Suzie I have to use the suction we need him out now".. So she hooks the vaccumn to Justins head and out he comes! Alittle blue and quiet they take him over to the warmer. A few minutes later I was allowed to give him a kiss on the head and gaze at his beautiful face for a second and off he went to the nursery due to some breathing issues! About this time the epidural starts kicking in (NICE!).. About 4 hours later I get wheeled to the nursery and get to hokd my precious little boy for the first time! Though he was around 5 weeks early he did surprisingly well!
My little 6lb 4oz Baby Boy
Born at 6:18pm (18:18 Military Time)
18 Inches long
How the time has flown by and I am watching you grow into an amzaing boy! You surprise and make me smile everyday! I love you sweet Justin!
-LOVE Mommy-
I had been sleeping that Monday morning, when at 10 o'clock in the morning something woke me up. My first thought was "oh man I just peed myself".. I got up to run to the bathroom when that unmistakable water breaking occurred. No second guessing it I grabbed the phone and a towel and ran to the bathroom! I called Joe, im sure my voice sounding in a panic heck im not sure what exactly I said but all I knew was he was in West Nashville and me at home about 30-45 minutes away (remember that part!).. So I tell him to leave and go to the hospital I would meet him there! I hang up and call my dad whom was at work about 10 minutes away.. I think I got "water broke" out and he hung up! Within it seemed 5 minutes he came in the door! I then proceeded to shove about 5 towels in my pajama pants (I know, right) and out the door we went!
OK so that "30-45" minute drive took us 10 - no joke.. My dad can get from point A to point B fast when he needs to! SO I pull up to see my amazing husband standing there, poor thing I still remember that OMG look on his face! He puts me in a wheel chair and off we go!
I get checked in and family starts to arrive. Yet to have my first contraction my doctor walks in! She says she wants to start pitocin and get this show on the road.. Well about an hour after starting that junk I was in PAIN.. The meaner side of Suzie came out and I think I cursed everyone in that room! I beggen for an epidural and my wish was granted (twice!).. The first one fails, so as they go to put numbe two in they send my husband off to eat some dinner! AFter number two is put in I start yelling I needed to go to the bathroom. The nurse checks me and Im complete and ready to push! But oh wait they had to run down to the cafeteria to get Joe ;).. So he comes in with I think the rest of my family and I start pushing, 1-2-3 and STOP! Justins heartrate drops and all I remember is my doctor saying "Suzie I have to use the suction we need him out now".. So she hooks the vaccumn to Justins head and out he comes! Alittle blue and quiet they take him over to the warmer. A few minutes later I was allowed to give him a kiss on the head and gaze at his beautiful face for a second and off he went to the nursery due to some breathing issues! About this time the epidural starts kicking in (NICE!).. About 4 hours later I get wheeled to the nursery and get to hokd my precious little boy for the first time! Though he was around 5 weeks early he did surprisingly well!
My little 6lb 4oz Baby Boy
Born at 6:18pm (18:18 Military Time)
18 Inches long
How the time has flown by and I am watching you grow into an amzaing boy! You surprise and make me smile everyday! I love you sweet Justin!
-LOVE Mommy-
Saturday, March 13, 2010
One of those days...
Well Im sitting here at 10 o'clock, and I guess I should be in bed like everyone else in the house, but I can't sleep. Ever have one of those days when you feel like is it ever gonna stop. I woke up this morning and took Nick into the doctor. Poor guy was having a hard time and didn't even want to walk (said his legs hurt).. So after spending 3 hours at the doctor we walked out with a diagnosis of bronchitis thats turned into an upper respritory infection. So we got some meds to hopefully kick it!
I get home to walk in the house and see water all over the laundry room floor. My husband has the washer pulled out and looks at me and says "the washer is dead"!.. NICE So after cleaning up the mess and dragging the now "dead" washer to the garage, he sets off to find us a new one. Thank goodness he finds a good deal on an energy saving one at lowes (1 left in stock) and gets it home.
We get it hooked up just in time to try it out. Try it out on what you might ask.. Well at this point Nick start gettin sick all over his bed and clothes. Then has an "accident" if you get what I mean.. Poor baby! Luckly hes finally resting and Im hoping the medicine works tonight and he wakes up feeling better tommarrow..
And to top it off Emily has been running a fever and fussy. Im linking it to the tooth trying to make its way out! Ive been giving her tylenol and cool wash rags to help. Lets just PRAY she sleeps tonight, unlike the past 4 nights! So with that said I am going to head to bed! Night..
I get home to walk in the house and see water all over the laundry room floor. My husband has the washer pulled out and looks at me and says "the washer is dead"!.. NICE So after cleaning up the mess and dragging the now "dead" washer to the garage, he sets off to find us a new one. Thank goodness he finds a good deal on an energy saving one at lowes (1 left in stock) and gets it home.
We get it hooked up just in time to try it out. Try it out on what you might ask.. Well at this point Nick start gettin sick all over his bed and clothes. Then has an "accident" if you get what I mean.. Poor baby! Luckly hes finally resting and Im hoping the medicine works tonight and he wakes up feeling better tommarrow..
And to top it off Emily has been running a fever and fussy. Im linking it to the tooth trying to make its way out! Ive been giving her tylenol and cool wash rags to help. Lets just PRAY she sleeps tonight, unlike the past 4 nights! So with that said I am going to head to bed! Night..
Friday, March 12, 2010
Getting Back to the Blog
WOW I have really been MIA here lately. I am determined to get back to our family blog! So to get started how about a little update on everyone..
First the Kids..
Justin is doing AWESOME!! He recently got his second EVER perfect attendence award.. This is a HUGE deal for him as with his asthma each year he tends to miss alot of school. But thank you heavens above he has had a good winter this year and for this 6 week period for the second time this school year he didn't miss a day! PLUS he scored a "Outstanding Reader Award".. Hes always got perfect 100's in math, but to see hes achieving in reading is wonderful!! Gosh can you tell we are PROUD!!!
Nick is also doing AWESOME in school.. Making green light everyday and getting in the treasure box on a regular basis.. Im so excited for him to go to kindergarden next year (which we are soon to be signing him up for).. YAY..
Emily is growing like a weed. She is 10 months and full of energy. I could not ask for a better baby! Shes mastered pulling up, standing holding onto stuff, and traveling the furniture! Walking is sure to come soon, but I don't mind if we hold off on that for awhile! OH and we got our FIRST tooth this week (oh and teething is a blast.. wrong)..
Now for the big kid.....
Joe is doing good. Having alot on his plate right now, but hopefully that will be lifted soon. Hes started softball practice and also coaching Nicks t-ball team.. Oh and hes in total re-build mode as he is finishing up the motor for the camaro (picking it up Mon) and so soon he will be done with it.. I know he can't wait!
And for me Im doing good.. Alittle stressed lately, but its all understandable! I cut all my hair off the other day and highlighted it for the first time in YEARS! Still trying to get use to it.. I promise a pic will come soon!
Well thats alittle catch-up. I will post more soon - I PROMISE!
First the Kids..
Nick is also doing AWESOME in school.. Making green light everyday and getting in the treasure box on a regular basis.. Im so excited for him to go to kindergarden next year (which we are soon to be signing him up for).. YAY..
Emily is growing like a weed. She is 10 months and full of energy. I could not ask for a better baby! Shes mastered pulling up, standing holding onto stuff, and traveling the furniture! Walking is sure to come soon, but I don't mind if we hold off on that for awhile! OH and we got our FIRST tooth this week (oh and teething is a blast.. wrong)..
Now for the big kid.....
Joe is doing good. Having alot on his plate right now, but hopefully that will be lifted soon. Hes started softball practice and also coaching Nicks t-ball team.. Oh and hes in total re-build mode as he is finishing up the motor for the camaro (picking it up Mon) and so soon he will be done with it.. I know he can't wait!
And for me Im doing good.. Alittle stressed lately, but its all understandable! I cut all my hair off the other day and highlighted it for the first time in YEARS! Still trying to get use to it.. I promise a pic will come soon!
Well thats alittle catch-up. I will post more soon - I PROMISE!
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