First the Kids..
Nick is also doing AWESOME in school.. Making green light everyday and getting in the treasure box on a regular basis.. Im so excited for him to go to kindergarden next year (which we are soon to be signing him up for).. YAY..
Emily is growing like a weed. She is 10 months and full of energy. I could not ask for a better baby! Shes mastered pulling up, standing holding onto stuff, and traveling the furniture! Walking is sure to come soon, but I don't mind if we hold off on that for awhile! OH and we got our FIRST tooth this week (oh and teething is a blast.. wrong)..
Now for the big kid.....
Joe is doing good. Having alot on his plate right now, but hopefully that will be lifted soon. Hes started softball practice and also coaching Nicks t-ball team.. Oh and hes in total re-build mode as he is finishing up the motor for the camaro (picking it up Mon) and so soon he will be done with it.. I know he can't wait!
And for me Im doing good.. Alittle stressed lately, but its all understandable! I cut all my hair off the other day and highlighted it for the first time in YEARS! Still trying to get use to it.. I promise a pic will come soon!
Well thats alittle catch-up. I will post more soon - I PROMISE!
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