Sunday, August 3, 2008

Update on us all!

First off I wanted to update everyone on Daddy. We had to end up taking him into the ER Saturday night with chest pains. They weren't confident enough that he wasn't having a heart attack that they decided to keep him overnight to run more test and to give him a stress test Sunday. Thankfully every test came back within normal limits and he was released. It was one of the scariest nights on my life and I thank god he is ok! He is to follow-up with his doctor and they are hoping it was just inflammation in between his heart and lungs. So everyone please keep him in your thoughts and prayers!

One the baby quest it turned out month three was a bust, but that's ok with us. We know that July just wasn't our month and that maybe August will be. That would give us a beautiful May baby, so fingers crossed!

The boys are doing great. Justin had fall ball skill evals today, gosh it was so HOTT! He can't wait for fall ball to start. The boys went to Pappy and Grandma Marys house this weekend and we got to give them a surprise room makeover while they were gone. They had saw a sports room in a magazine and said they wanted their room like it. SO this is what they got (not bad for a 6 hour renovation)!

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