Saturday, April 18, 2009

36 Weeks - I'm DONE

Well I will officially be 36 weeks tomorrow. I had my last 17-hydroxyprogesterone shot Thursday night, and I am so happy to be D-O-N-E with those suckers,woohoo! My appointment went great Friday. Emilys heartbeat was in the 150's and she was moving like crazy. My doctor checked me and to our surprise she is still indeed head down, infact she is super looooow.. Im already 2cm dilated and 70% effaced.. My OB stated that women can stay at 2cm for weeks, but usually not women with my history.. She told me to really start watching my contractions because they are indeed dilating my cervix! She said in her own words when I asked how much longer did she think I would last and she said "hopefully we will get a week, maaaaybe two, but that she was on-call this weekend" I told her I didn't "feel" like it was time and I'm hoping to last past my appointment next Thursday! But its out of our hands at this point and we could "go" at anytime..

When I called Joe and told him he got so excited, me I'm nervous now..hehe But things are going good. We have a busy weekend this weekend with games, baseball pictures, and my baby shower. I'm feeling OK today, my back is killing me, but we found out that's because Emily is sunny side up instead of head down so shes banging her head on my tailbone!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and I will post if anything changes! HUGS

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