Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Were Has The Time Gone???

Lastnight Nick graduated pre-school. Of course mommy was a bag of tears, but I am so proud of my litle guy. WOW I guess hes not so little anymore!! He did a great job and smiled and sang and was a perfect little man! Its wild to see how much he has changed over these past 2 years at pre-school. ITs so bitter sweet and IM so excited for him to go to school, yet it breaks my heart as this part of his childhood is soon to be behind him! Here are some pictures of his big day!

Now that he has his pre-school graduation behind him, we did the next thing on his list and got him registered for Kindergarden this morning. He LOVED it and is so ready to go to "Big Boy" school with his brother!! Time - PLEASE SLOW DOWN!

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