Saturday, January 1, 2011

Good Bye 2010....

2010 was a well, interesting year! WE had ups, downs, and amazing moments! Here are a few facts and pictures!

Good Bye 2010....

1 - Number of Broken Bones (Thanks Em)
6 - Foster Dogs we welcomed into our home
4 - ER visits
2 - Trips to Virginia
25 - Number of toys I stepped on in the middle of the night, then tossed into the trash!
1 - Teeth lost (wtg Nick)
4045 - Dollars saved by clipping coupons
3 - Number of times I locked myself out of the house
5 - Airplanes boarded
9 - Movies seen at the theatre


1 comment:

Katie said...

over 4000 in savings because of coupons! That is so amazing! I want to start clipping but feel sort of overwhelmed at the seems like a lot of work. HELP!