Monday, December 13, 2010

What is that I spot

We are seeing little red dots every were here in the Lannom Emily had a rash come up Friday night.. I thought it was her eczema on her back so I lotioned, lotioned, lotioned.. We woke up Saturday to a few more spots. Saturday night my mom kept the kiddos and when we got to her house I pointed them out to her. From the time of her bath till the time I showed mom at her house they had come up all over her back and upper thighs.. Besides trying to itch her back Emily really had no other symptoms of a cold or viral thing.. Sunday more spots slowly came out. When I went to give her a bath last night I took her clothes off and they were EVERYWERE.. I kept saying the whole time it looks like chicken pox, but was like no it couldn't be.. So I talked to the on call nurse and she told us to just come in Monday morning.

So over the night we were blessed with roughly 2 inches on snow, that's enough to shut down our neck of the woods.. So Joe stayed home to take us in to the pediatrician..

By this time Emily had little red spots all over, all on her face and in her hair.. Today she is grumpy, but still no fever, lethargy, or anything.. The Pedi told us she was 99% sure it was the pox. She said we would know 100% if they start to scab as the week goes on.. We looked back through her chart ad she actually missed her 15 month shots when she aspirated fluid and had a mild pneumonia  and so we missed that shot, so no immunity.. AWESOME (not)...

So as of right now she is getting benadryl and Tylenol and been put on house arrest (quarantine) The boys are bummed mommy and Emily will miss their Christmas plays this week, but daddy is going to go and take video for us! So I guess all I can say is... Here chicken chicken CHICKEN... ;)

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