Friday, February 3, 2012

Better than Medicine!!!

Today I went back up to the school to gather some of Justins school work for him to work on this weekend. Along with his lessons were over 20 handmade letters from his teachers and friends.. Seriously you can not wipe the smile off his face or mine!!

And some of the things these kids wrote blew me away and melted my heart. More than a few tears were shed!!!

Also when Justin was admitted into the hospital we were approached by one of the research teams there. They are currently doing a study trying to see why more kids these days are being admitted into the hospital with Pneumonia.. They asked us and Justin if they could collect bloodwork and stuff in hope of finding out one day why certain kids get it, how they actually get it, and a better treatment for kiddos with Pneumonia!! Well today he got a check in the mail for participating in the study. And yes the money is HIS!!! Thing is he had no clue about the money when he agreed to be a part of the study. He was just super excited he got to help kids in the future that might get sick!! Have I mentioned I love his soul!!

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